PermaLink How to recover a lost certifier file15-01-2020 12:52

PermaLink Fun with Eclipse Browser Settings in IBM Notes26-12-2013 13:30
Just because we can, you can play around with some settings in IBM Notes on Windows.

Instead of using the Internet Explorer engine to render websites in Notes you can use XULrunner, the engine from the popular Firefox browser.

First check which engine Notes is currently using by opening a browser window within Notes (Open - Web), you may have to check your preferences to use the internal browser.
Go to

Now edit the file [notesprogramdir]/framework/rcp/plugin_customization.ini and add the two lines:

Now close all browser windows and restart Notes.


PermaLink Is reading MIME emails slow in Lotus Notes 8.x after upgrading to Internet Explorer 8? (Solution inside)08-06-2009 13:19
I installed Internet Explorer 8 some days ago and wondered why the integrated Webbrowser now takes very long to start and why opening a MIME email takes more than a minute.

PermaLink IP address filter for SMTP inbound connection controls04-06-2009 11:46
In a configuration document for an IBM Lotus Domino server you have the option to configure which IPs are allowed or denied to connect using the SMTP protocol. I would like to share some details on these settings as the field help is not covering all options.

PermaLink Protect your IBM Lotus Domino Server against brute force attacks on non HTTP ports30-01-2009 10:30
I am sure you are familiar with Internet Password Lockout which was added in version 8. It's a nice feature everybody likes to use having a Domino Server reachable from all the Internet. Unfortunately this feature works for HTTP and HTTPS only. If you use authenticated SMTP, for example allow some mobile users to relay emails, there is no protection....

PermaLink Using Domain Search to index files in the filesystem09-08-2008 14:33
After posting a trick regarding Domino Domain Search I was asked to provide some basic details on the configuration. I am going to show how to configure Domino Domain Search to index files so you can search for content.

PermaLink Saving network bandwith sending outbound SMTP to relay host04-06-2008 13:37
There is a notes.ini parameter RouterKeepRelayedBCCsIntact which is almost unknown as there is no equivalent in the servers configuration document.

Given that you are using a SMTP relay hosts (as customers of postini or messagelabs do) this setting will allow your outbound SMTP email having several recipients on the BCC list to be sent as a single mail to the relay host instead of sending separate emails for each BCC recipient.

This notes.ini parameter was documented with IBM but to my knowledge there is no documentation from HCL. This can indicate that the notes.ini parameter is obsolete with newer version of Domino, which I have not tested.

PermaLink Implementing a CAPTCHA with IBM Lotus Domino03-05-2008 23:12

PermaLink Some findings regarding the replicator page03-03-2008 15:31
I was asked where the replicator page is stored in the Lotus Notes Client and if there is any way to access that data. I did some investigation and want to share and discuss these.

PermaLink Where does the integrated Sametime client store the location information?13-12-2007 09:53
I am using Lotus Notes 8, the full featured Eclipse based version, with Sametime and really like the location awareness.
Unfortunately I messed up some location information by mistyping or saving incomplete data by accidentially hitting the enter key. I was wondering where that location information is stored and what format that data is. I found that the information is stored in a XML file containing the information I typed in, the IP I had at that location plus a MAC address (of the default gateway I guess).
The file is located at {your Notes data directory}\workspace\.metadata\.plugins\

PermaLink notes.ini parameters for Domino Transaction Logging Performance Tuning06-12-2006 14:53
To improve performance with IBM Lotus Domino Tranaction Logging you can disable transaction logging for some databases where logging is not necessary, or just too expensive in terms of IO performance.

PermaLink Performance Tuning Lotus Domino Transaction Logging06-12-2006 11:25
IBM Lotus Domino can use Transaction Logging circular, to prevent data loss or data corruption in case of a server crash, or archive style. This allows use of certified backup software that will frequently store the translogs in addition to eg weekly full-backups to save diskspace compared to daily full-backups. Of course this configuraiton requires correct configuration and you should think about performance BEFORE implementing.

PermaLink Performance Tuning Domino Web Applications21-04-2006 20:28
This time I am publishing the english version of my presentation.

PermaLink Performance Tuning von Domino Webapplikationen19-04-2006 20:50
Ich habe nun die finale Version der Präsentation fertiggestellt. Dabei hatte ich am Ende noch mehr Probleme als mir lieb waren.
Ich habe, wie es sich für einen braven Betatester gehört, die Präsentation mit den IBM Productivity Tools, einem Subset des Workplace Managed Clients geschrieben. Diese Productivity Tools gefallen mir auch eigentlich ganz gut im Vergleich mit OpenOffice Impress und MS Powerpoint. Obwohl die Wurzel dieses Tools in Impress liegt, wurde ein eigenes Dateiformat .sxi eingeführt, man kann jedoch auch im Powerpoint-format oder Impress-Format abspeichern sowie nach PDF exportieren.
Die Probleme begannen bei mir ab etwas Seite 33. Plötzlich waren eingefügte Bilder beim PDF export nicht mehr sichtbar oder an ganz anderer Stelle und verdeckten damit den Text oder waren nicht mehr am sichtbaren Teil des Bildschirmes.
Ein Versuch durch Export nach PowerPoint oder Impress schlug fehl weil beim Export die Qualität der Eingebetteten Grafik so massiv schlechter wurde, dass ich alle hätte neu einfügen müssen.

Letztlich habe ich es dann doch noch geschafft indem ich einige der Images entfernt und neu eingefügt habe.

PermaLink Performance Tuning of Domino Webapplications16-04-2006 16:19
I just finished the first part of my presentation and post it here for review. Please leave comments if you find incorrect information or something missing. Stay tuned for more information to come soon.

PermaLink Performance Tuning IBM Lotus Domino Webapplications31-03-2006 14:05
I was invited to talk about Performance Tuning IBM Lotus Domino Webapplication at the Admin&Developer 2006 convention in Oberhausen, Germany.
I was thinking about talking about the following topics in a timeframe of 60 minutes:
  • Measure speed, what does it is slow mean in seconds?
  • HTTP Response Headers, Client side caching
  • Images. They can be located in the filesystem, can be attachments or resources. How to use them?
  • JavaScript. Wow do I use it so it loads fast?
  • WebQueryOpenAgents, what it that anyway? (Agent Profiling)
  • Worst practices
Not sure if I have enough time to cover these issues:
  • GZIP compression, what we can learn from DWA
  • AJAX, ...(afraid this is much too complex to present it in time)
I intended not to talk about obvious performance issues like writing fast code or building simple small views wherever possible.

If you were (or are) attending this session, is there anything you would like to hear in addition to that?
Any examples of worst practices that made webapplications slow (and were easy to fix)?

PermaLink mixed mode - POP3 and DWA - notes.ini can help05-03-2006 22:01
If you use POP3 to read your emails from your maildatabase on a IBM Lotus Domino Server, everything works fine, unless you use DWA too. Emails you read using DWA do not download to your POP3 mail application.

This is due to the fact that DWA removes the unread flag for that document.
To circumvence this behaviour there is an notes.ini parameter that may help. Use the following console command to set it:

PermaLink Customize Domino Mailrules06-02-2006 14:46
I am using customized mailrules for some time, motivated by Chris Linfoot and dominopower.

These customizations add several conditions to the template.
I was looking for a way to customize actions and customized the servers names.nsf even more.

First Task: Add an action to change the message importance
This action is available in the client mailrules but not for server mailrules. In fact, it is there but just hidden in the GUI.

1. Edit the Form (RulesDlg)
2. add "change message importance |2" to the combobox "action".

This one was easy, wasn't it? Want to do more?

Second Task: Add an action to add a field

1. Edit the form (rulesDlg)
2. add "add field|X" to the combobox "action"
3. add two fields "AddFieldName" and "AddFieldText" below of "behavior". Change the hidewhen formulas to "!@Contains(action;"X")"
4. Edit the ScriptLibrary "Rules"
5. In the Declarations add
Const ACT_AddField = &h00000331&
Dim ACT_sAddFieldName As Variant
Dim ACT_sAddFieldText As Variant
6. In the Function "ActionString" add
Case "X"
ActionString = GetString(ACT_AddField)
7. In the Sub "GetGlobalActionValues" add the lines
ACT_sAddFieldName = Note.GetItemValue("AddFieldName")(0)
ACT_sAddFieldText = Note.GetItemValue("AddFieldText")(0)
8. In the Sub "ActionParser" add
Case "X"
s_MAINFORMULA = s_MAINFORMULA+"@setfield("""+ACT_sAddFieldName+""";"""+ ACT_sAddFieldText + """)"
9. In the function "GetString" add
Case ACT_AddField
GetString = " Add " + ACT_sAddFieldText + " to field " + ACT_sAddFieldName

PermaLink The Domino database cache evolved31-10-2005 23:27
IBM Lotus Domino caches some database informations in it's nsf database cache to improve performance at a later hit on that database compared to the need to reopen the database, which will take longer time.
You can use the notes.ini parameter NSF_DbCache_Maxentries to control how many databases can reside in the cache at a maximum.

PermaLink New Password Compliance feature set in Lotus Notes/Domino 6.5.414-04-2005 08:09
The Password Compliance feature set is controlled by new Policy Security Settings, and provides administrators with more granularity in setting a policy for acceptable passwords on Notes IDs. When the user changes passwords, they will also be prompted with a dialog that reflects the policy,

PermaLink fix for: Database has grown too large; use File New Replica to recreate your file with larger capacity.09-07-2004 12:53
Today I had an issue with an old archive database on a Lotus Notes 6 client. The archive database was still R4 ODS and therefore limited to 1GB.
As the database reached the 1GB limit, the Notes Client was no longer able to open the database. Creating a new replica or copy of the db failed..
I found a solution that worked: .
Close your Notes Client. .
Add Skip_Fixup=1 to your Notes Clients notes.ini .
on a command prompt type "ncompact.exe databasename.nsf -m -c -i" .
Remove the notes.ini parameter. .

PermaLink Edit any field Smarticon24-06-2004 07:15
I just came along a great site showing some Lotus Formula Code for a great SmartIcon. It will allow you to edit any field in a document and to add a field. Just great:

PermaLink Lotus Domino 6 Streaming Replication10-03-2004 14:25
IBM introduced Streaming Replication with Lotus ND6. If a Lotus Notes Version 6 Client connects to a ND6 server for replication, this new replication process should speed up the replication.

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