Step 1: Enable SSH
You will need access to the commandline. To do so enable SSH on the Diskstation.
Step 2: Install Docker
Docker is available as official package by Synology. Before Synology published a Docker package, it was necessary to bootstrap your Synology Diskstation and install Docker manually. This is no longer necessary, ignore these (old) instructions if you own a Diskstation with Intel CPU that can run Synologies official Docker package.
Step 3: Download the HomeBridge Docker Image
Start the Docker Package and search the registry for "homebridge".
Select "cbrandlehner/homebridge" and klick "Download".
In the next dialog select "0.6-SNAPSHOT".
The download might take some time. You can view the progress in the view "Image".
Step 4: Configuration data for your image
The Docker application needs to access configuration data and needs a place to store information and logs.
Start the "Control Panel" and change to "Shared Folder". Click "Create" to create a new shared folder.
User "Admin" needs "Read/Write" access to that folder. You can set access rights for all other users to "No access".
Now open "File Station" and navigate to the new folder "Docker". Create a new directoy "homebridge".
Step 4: Configuration
Homebridge will require a configuration file in "/volume1/docker/homebridge". Homebridge will look for a file config.json. You can find a sample config file on github:
It is very important that your config file is correct and matches the homebridge plugins in your docker container. I strongly recommend to install Homebridge in a non dockerized environment for testing before starting with this docker environment.
I found it useful to store the config.json file in my home directoy on the diskstation and then move the file to the homebridge directory.
Step 5: Configure the Docker Image
Start the Docker GUI, select the homebridge Image and click "Launch with wizard".
Homebridge only uses port 51826. Add this port by clicking the large "+". The Homebridge plugins I used in cbrandlehner/homebridge do not use any other ports. "Automatically map ports" is not necessary.
No change needed with Step 2.
Click "Advanced Settings".
Klick "Add Folder".
Choose the folder "docker/homebridge" you created previously.
Docker will ask you where to mount that folder within the container.
Choose "/root/.homebridge" as Mount path and remove the "Read-Only" restriction.
Review settings:
Step 6: Starting the container
Open a SSH session with your Synology Diskstation. If you are on Windows, you can use putty or MobaXterm to do so.
"docker images" will show you a list of your images:
Now run the command
docker run -d --net=host -p 51826:51826 -v /volume1/docker/homebridge:/root/.homebridge cbrandlehner/homebridge:0.6-SNAPSHOT
Step 7: Debug
If you like to debug, you can run a bash shell within your docker image:
docker run -i -t --entrypoint /bin/bash --net=host -p 51826:51826 -v /volume1/docker/homebridge:/root/.homebridge cbrandlehner/homebridge:0.6-SNAPSHOT
Now you can start homebridge with "/root/"
The AVAHI warning can be ignored:
# /root/
/bin/bash: warning: setlocale: LC_ALL: cannot change locale (en_US.UTF-8)
*** WARNING *** The program 'nodejs' uses the Apple Bonjour compatibility layer of Avahi.
*** WARNING *** Please fix your application to use the native API of Avahi!
*** WARNING *** For more information see <>
*** WARNING *** The program 'nodejs' called 'DNSServiceRegister()' which is not supported (or only supported partially) in the Apple Bonjour compatibility layer of Avahi.
*** WARNING *** Please fix your application to use the native API of Avahi!
*** WARNING *** For more information see <>
Loaded plugin: homebridge-ninjablock-humidity
Registering accessory 'homebridge-ninjablock-humidity.NinjaBlock-Humidity'
Loaded plugin: homebridge-ninjablock-temperature
Registering accessory 'homebridge-ninjablock-temperature.NinjaBlock-Temperature'
Loaded plugin: homebridge-philipshue
Registering platform 'homebridge-philipshue.PhilipsHue'
Loaded config.json with 2 accessories and 1 platforms.
Loading 1 platforms...
[Phillips Hue] Initializing PhilipsHue platform...
[Phillips Hue] PhilipsHue Platform Plugin Version 0.0.2
[Phillips Hue] Fetching Philips Hue lights...
Loading 2 accessories...
[NinjaBlock Temp] Initializing NinjaBlock-Temperature accessory...
[NinjaBlock Humidity Sensor] Initializing NinjaBlock-Humidity accessory...
[Phillips Hue] Initializing platform accessory 'Hue Spot'...
[Phillips Hue] Initializing platform accessory 'Hue Spot 1'...
[Phillips Hue] Initializing platform accessory 'Hue Spot 2'...
[Phillips Hue] Initializing platform accessory 'LivingColors 1'...
[Phillips Hue] Initializing platform accessory 'LightStrips 1'...
Scan this code with your HomeKit App on your iOS device to pair with Homebridge:
│ 031-45-154 │
Homebridge is running on port 51826.
The script to build the docker image is a GitHub project:
The docker image is on Docker Hub:
I appreciate any feedback, please leave a STAR on GitHub oder Docker Hub. Thanks!