PermaLink Annoying Scroll-Lock indicator popup on Lenovo Thinkpad with Windows 708/25/2010 08:22 AM
On a Lenovo ThinkPad W510 I had an annoying problem with a popup indicating if the Scoll-Lock key was pressed. That tiny little grey window was popping up in the lower right corner of the screen.
The reason for hating that popus is that in Flightsimulator X the Scroll-Lock key is used to open the ATC window. If you play in DirectX fullscreen mode the screen flickers heavily for several seconds.
I found that the indator is not a Thinkpad feature but part of the Widcomm Bluetooth Stack. No idea why that software is doing this kind of stuff but here is the trick how to disable that indicator popup:
Use your registry editor and change the DWORD for KeyIndication in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Widcomm\BTConfig\General to a value 0. To reenable restore the default value of 1.

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