PermaLink Performance Tuning IBM Lotus Domino Webapplications03/31/2006 02:05 PM
I was invited to talk about Performance Tuning IBM Lotus Domino Webapplication at the Admin&Developer 2006 convention in Oberhausen, Germany.
I was thinking about talking about the following topics in a timeframe of 60 minutes:
  • Measure speed, what does it is slow mean in seconds?
  • HTTP Response Headers, Client side caching
  • Images. They can be located in the filesystem, can be attachments or resources. How to use them?
  • JavaScript. Wow do I use it so it loads fast?
  • WebQueryOpenAgents, what it that anyway? (Agent Profiling)
  • Worst practices
Not sure if I have enough time to cover these issues:
  • GZIP compression, what we can learn from DWA
  • AJAX, ...(afraid this is much too complex to present it in time)
I intended not to talk about obvious performance issues like writing fast code or building simple small views wherever possible.

If you were (or are) attending this session, is there anything you would like to hear in addition to that?
Any examples of worst practices that made webapplications slow (and were easy to fix)?
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